Analysis: "Number 40" by Sarah Butler
Living in the postmodern world is so much different from living in any other era, thus far – we are fumbling around. We are groping our...
Analysis: "The journey to the brothers' farm" by Pippa Gough
Diversity, traditions and other disasters Who are the people we pay homage to the most? What kind of bravery do we praise? Think about...
Analysis: Dead Man Walking and The Green Mile
Religion plays a big role in the lives of many people all over the world. In some parts of the world (like ours) the number of people who...
Weddings and Beheadings (text): Analysis
When and where does the story take place do you think? In the middle-east. Beheader's point Jounralist is Waiting for criminals - bad...
A Family Supper by Kazuo Ishiguro: Analysis
Characterization of the narrator Rebellious Adventurous Doesn't really care Quite Has a strange relationship with his father Lives in...
Anthills of the Savannah by Chinua Achebe: Analysis of an excerpt
The plot The editor of the Royal Gazette parks his car outside a hotel but he doesn't leave on his parking lights. Then a policeman comes...
Pidgins and Creoles
Pidgin Grammatically simplified mean to communicate between two people, persons or groups that do not have a language in common....
Standard English
What is Standard English? Not about pronunciation Vocabulary Grammar It has to be grammatically correct Neutral language you might say...